Sunday, July 12, 2009

Yes We Can

This is an exciting time for 2nd Amendment supporters throughout the country. Reason Magazine recently interviewed Alan Gura, the lead counsel for the defense in D.C. v. Heller. He explains the continued progress being made in federal courts throughout the country to protect 2nd Amendment rights.

Gura also mentions a recent decision by the Ninth Circuit that holds that the 2nd is actually incorporated against the states by the 14th's "Due Process" clause. Since other circuits have not accepted incorporation, this creates a 'circuit split' and increases the likelihood that the Supreme Court will agree to hear the case (Nordyke v. King).

I don't understand enough about the 14th amendment or its history within the courts to state on opinion on incorporation, though I am trying to learn more. Anyone care to share their thoughts or enlighten me?

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