Sunday, July 12, 2009

Only 173 days later

There is already a "grassroots" movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment and pave the way for Obama to run for a 3rd term and beyond. I think George Washington set a good example when he refused to run for a third term, because he realized the risks of stagnant government and messianic figures which could eventually morph into a monarchy or dictatorship. Now, I think that possiblity is indeed remote, but the amount of influence even a two term president can have is disturbing. FDR, who was elected to an unprecedented four terms, took the opportunity to reshape all three branches of government and fill them with his supporters, and we still feel the effects today.

Certainly, this entire issue is up for discussion, and should be rigorously debated. But my offhand reaction is that this is a terrible idea. Let's get through the first term first...I wouldn't want the American Republic to collapse into the American Empire. I'll never forgive Ceasar.


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