Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Catholic Church is no friend of liberty

The culture of homosexuality is a culture of self-absorption because it does not value self-sacrifice. It is a glaring example of what John Paul II has called the culture of death. Islamic fundamentalists clearly understand the damage that homosexual behavior inflicts on a culture. That is why they repress such behavior by death. Their culture is anything but one of self-absorption. It may be brutal at times, but any culture that is able to produce wave after wave of suicide bombers (women as well as men) is a culture that at least knows how to value self-sacrifice.
~The Catholic Archdiocese of Agana (Guam), in response to bill in Guam legalizing domestic partnerships.

Repulsive and revolting.

Via The Volokh Conspiracy via The Pacific News Center (pdf warning)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why I Admire Steve Jobs

Junior Achievement reports that 35% of teens selected Steve Jobs as their favorite Celebrity Entrepreneur. 61% of those respondents reported that they appreciated Jobs because he "made a difference in/improved people's lives or made the world a better place."

Well, I admire Steve Jobs because he has earned $5,000,000,000 for himself.